مناشف وجه كبيرة قابلة للتحلل الحيوي (عدد 50)
مناشف الوجه Whistle Wellness هي مناشف وجه فائقة النعومة وذات قدرة على الامتصاص ومصنوعة من ألياف عضوية وطبيعية بنسبة 100%، مما يجعلها لطيفة على البشرة والبيئة. إنها مثالية للتجفيف أو إزالة المكياج أو وضع منتجات العناية بالبشرة. بديل رائع لمنشفة الوجه التقليدية، فهي توفر تجربة صحية مثالية تحتاج إلى تقديمها في روتين التنظيف اليومي. أكبر من المناديل المبللة العادية، هذا الصندوق القابل للإغلاق يحتوي على 50 من مناشف الوجه ذات الحجم الكبير.
- 100% BIOBASED FACIAL TOWELS. Our Face Towels are made with plant fibres which are dermatologically approved.
- 100% CLEAN. Our Face Towels are manufactured in sterile surroundings with minimum impact on the environment.
- UNIQUE BOX DESIGN. Our unique design helps the face towels remain pure after opening, unlike other top-selling brands, our boxes are 100% re-sealable after opening.
- 100% BIODEGRADABLE: Made from 100% natural fibers, our face towels are fully biodegradable leaving both your skin and our planet happier.
- EXTRA ABSORBENT: Super soft and highly absorbent, our towels are great for drying the face and the whole body too. A great alternative to the traditional towel.
- EXCELLENT FOR REMOVING MAKEUP: Pair our towels with any makeup remover or cleansing balm to remove makeup easily.
100 % Biodegradable
Includes 50 Large Face Towels
Made from Plant Based Materials

Unique 100% resealable Box Design
Our box has a hygiene focused design allowing it to be totally resealed even after opening. This feature supports the purpose of the disposable face towel as a fantastic companion for your skincare routine.
The Perfect Duo
Avail a discount when you purchase our 50 count box along with our handy travel pack.